photo de nico

Nicolas Juillet

IRIMAS - Département de Mathématiques
18 rue des Frères Lumière

Tel : (00 33) 3 89 33 64 26


Pictures and animations
Talks, surveys and slides
Page d'enseignement (Teaching)

Announcement: proposal for a postdoc and a doctoral project starting from September 2025 inside the SOCOT project, Post-doc description, Doctoral thesis, Pre-doc/Master thesis. Here you'll soon also find the description for a post-doctoral researcher position (start 09/25 or 10/25).

Bienvenue sur ma page web! / Welcome to my web page !

I'm a "Professeur des Universités" at Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) in Mulhouse at IRIMAS, which is an institute made of three departments: computer science, mathematics, engineering. The mathematics department of IRIMAS is also part of the MaGE Federation together with the other research unit in the French region "Grand Est". On the period 2009--2021 I've been a "Maître de conférence" at "Université de Strasbourg" at IRMA. I'm the coordinator of SOCOT. My short CV 09/24 (French).


In December 2018, I've been defending my habilitation thesis "Transport optimal en théorie des processus et en géométrie" (other link).

In December 2008, I've been defending my doctoral thesis in mathematics at the Institut Fourier (Université Grenoble 1) and the Institut für angewandte Mathematik (Universität Bonn). My advisors were Hervé Pajot and Karl-Theodor Sturm. My thesis is called "Optimal transport and geometric analysis in Heisenberg groups" (other link).

Pictures and animations (Up)

I have written some animations with Geogebra: In this animation, you can examine the shape of the triangles of the Heisenberg group. The second animation shows how the third coordinate of  an horizontal curve evolves with respect to the swept algebraic area. Another one: animation.

On the left, the .gif file illustrate the "sunset coupling" of between two uniform measures defined in this paper .pdf. In this animation one can experiment several shadow couplings between a discrete measure (three atoms) and a continuous measure. Here are the sunset coupling, the left-curtain coupling and the middle-curtain coupling between two uniform measures.

Talks, surveys and slides (Up)

A list of talks with sometimes a survey in proceedings. I've added some slides: these are not "self-contained" diaporamas but rather the companions of a talk with chalk at blackboard.

Last updated September 2021.